
Blur wind CB .
It is located at Pretoria .. It is an local brand and upcoming well-known brand .is for old age , new age and also for today's generation. We will launch BlurwindCb On 21th of July 2018 .and we hope we are going to get full support from black and white people. Because the brand it is for Every gender , religion and everyone. So let's stick with local brand , and give full support to reach their goals and to become the leaders of tomorrow .

Who's the brand owner ?
The brand owner of blur•wind is everyone who love the brand ,and willing to give full support to this upcoming Big brand .

How do you replace an order ?
It is simple to replace an order , you can send an Email at , or WhatsApp 0618409944 Attredgeville , Bokamoso 0763383501 at Silverton , mamelodi .

Follow us on Facebook : BlurwindCb

  1. F R E E    D E L I V E R Y  W O R L D WI D E 
